Research Publications
- An International Phase 3 Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Multi-Center Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Vibegron in Men with Overactive Bladder (OAB) Symptoms on Pharmacological Therapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (COURAGE Study) – Ongoing
- International Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo- and Active (Tolterodine)-Controlled Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of once daily 75 mg Vibegron in Patients with Symptoms of Overactive Bladder for 12 Weeks (EMPOWUR STUDY) – Protocol RVT-901-3003/3004,Urovant Sciences 2017-2019
- Double Blind, placebo Controlled, Parellel design, Phase II study to assess clinical activity and safety of enobosarm (GTx – 024) in post menopausal women with stress urinary incontinence
- Postmarket Study PS120093 Solyx™ Study CLINICAL PROTOCOL U9915 Single InciSion Trans Obturator Sling (SISTO) Study
- A Prospective, Non-Randomized, Parallel Cohort, Multi-center Study of the Solyx™ Single Incision Sling System vs. the Obtryx™ II Sling System for the Treatment of Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence Sponsored By Boston Scientific Corp
- Postmarket Study PS 130044 Uphold Lite ™ Study CLINICAL PROTOCOL # U8090 A Prospective, Non-Randomized, Parallel Cohort, Multi-center Study of Uphold LITE vs. Native Tissue for the Treatment of Women with Anterior/Apical Pelvic Organ Prolapse Sponsored By Boston Scientific Corporation Allergan GMA-OAB-113 Complete Continence as Primary Metric For OnabotulinumtoxinA OveRactive Bladder Treatment Success: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study in Overactive Bladder Patients with Urinary Incontinence – COMFORT Study
- Protocol 191622-096 A Multicenter, Long-term Follow-up Study of the Safety and Efficacy of BOTOX on Botox naïve patients with Multiple Sclerosis – DIGNITY Study – Allergan
- Elevate Apical/Posterior vs. NTR study: A Prospective, Safety and Efficacy Cohort Study of Elevate® Apical and Posterior Prolapse Repair System Compared to Native Tissue Repair for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Repair (AMS Protocol No. PR1206) – HARMONY Study
- Ajust® Single-Incision Sling in Stress Urinary Incontinence Study (ASSIST Study) – BARD – Withdrawn
- MK4618-019: A Phase III Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Clinical Trial to Study the Safety and Efficacy of MK-4618 in Subjects with Overactive Bladder – MERCK – On Hold
- A prospective, Randomized Double Blind, Placebo Controlled, Parallel Group, Multicenter Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Dapoxitene in Men With Premature Ejaculation and COncomitant Erectile Dysfunction Treated with a Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitor (COUPLE Study – COncomitant Use of PriLigy in Men Treated for Erectile dysfunction)
- Conversant Healthcare Systems BioBank Trial 001 Version 1
- Sub study of Perigee IntePro Lite polypropelene mesh coated with phosphorylcholine (Perigee PC – AMS) prospective single arm, longitudinal, multi center observational design collection of patient outcomes (LEAD INVESTIGATOR of one of six sites worldwide) – Completed
- POWER1012 Registry: Observational collection of patient outcomes following the use of AMS prolapse products and post market surveillance, single arm, longitudinal, multi center observational design (Completed August 30, 2009)
- A Placebo-Controlled, Double Blind, Randomized Parallel Study of the withdrawal effects of Chronic Daily and As Needed Dosing With Dapoxitine in the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation – (JOHNSON & JOHNSON) – PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR
- Site for BPH Registry and Patient Survey – (SUNOFI – SYNTHELABO Inc.)
- Open Label Study of Long term safety of Dapoxetine HCl in the treatment of Rapid Ejaculation (ALZA) – in progress – PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR
- Placebo Controlled Double Blind Randomized Parallel Study of the efficacy and safety of Dapoxetene HCl in the treatment of Rapid Ejaculation (ALZA) – PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR
- Open Label Extension Study of Sustained Release (S)-Oxybutynin in Subjects with Symptoms of Overactive Bladder (Sepracor, Inc.) –Completed 2003 – PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR
- Phase III Randomized, Double Blind Study of DFMO vs. Placebo in low Grade Superficial Bladder Cancer (Ilex Urology) – PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR
- Prospective, Randomized, Double Blind Multi Center Comparative Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Ciprofloxacin once daily modified release (Cipro MR) 550 mg Tablets QD for three days versus conventional Ciprofloxacin 250 mg tablets BID for 3 days in the treatment of patients with uncomplicated Urinary Tract (uUTI) infections (The Phoenix Contract Research for BAYER) – completed November 14 2001 – PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR
- Double blind, Placebo and Active controlled study of Sustained Release (S) Oxybutinin in subjects with symptoms of Overactive Bladder of Urgency, Frequency and Urinary Incontinence – Completed 2000 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR
- A Multi Center Pivotal Phase III Three Arm, Dose finding, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study to Determine the Long Term Chemoprevention Efficacy and Safety of 20 mg & 60 mg of GTx-006 in Men with High Grade Prostate Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PIN) – in progress – PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR
- Synergy of Radiation and Immunotherapy of Renal Cancer in Balb-C mice. Urology Research Fellow, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (July 1991-June 1992) Principal Investigator: Gabriel P. Haas, MD.
- Worked on a project correlating Renal functional changes with bladder management techniques in spinal cord injury patients; with L. Keith Lloyd, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL (1989-1990)
- Involved in research on Renal Calculus Disease, in Delhi, India. Presented a paper entitled “Incidence of Hypertension, Recurrence and Infection in Patients with Urolithiasis (in Delhi)”at the Association of Surgeons of India Conference (State Chapter), 1985.
Paper Publications
- Chakrabarty A. “Recent Advances in Hypogonadism” Editorial Article Andrology and Gynecology current research, 2013 - Chakrabarty A, Ganabathi K, Alexander JS, Hoekstra PT, Martin JT Jr, Zylstra S
“Does Pelvic Mesh Treated With Phosphorylcholine Improve Outcomes? An Early Experience” Reference: EURO7916 European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Chakrabarty A, Upadhyay J, Dhabuwala CB, Sarnaik S, Perlmutter AD, Connor JP:
- “Priapism Associated with Sickle Cell Hemoglobinopathy in children: Long Term Effects on Potency.” Journal of Urology 155: 1419-1423, 1996
- Angulo JC, Montie JM, Bukowski TP, Chakrabarty A, Grignon DJ, SakrW, Shamsa FH, Pontes JE:“Inter observer consistency of digital rectal examination in clinical staging of localized prostatic carcinoma.” Urol Oncol 1:1995
- Bukowski TP, Chakrabarty A, Perlmutter AD, Frontera R, Powell I, Montie JE:
“Recto-Urethral Fistula: Methods of Repair.” Journal of Urology 153: 1995. - Chakrabarty A, Hillman GG, Maughan RL, Visscher D, Ali E, Pontes JE, Haas GP:
“Influence of tumor site on the response to therapy of murine renal cancer.”
Anticancer Research 14: 373-378, 1994. - Chakrabarty A, Hillman GG, Maughan RL, Ali E, Pontes JE, Haas GP:
“Radiation therapy enhances the therapeutic effect of immunotherapy on pulmonary metastases in a murine renal adenocarcinoma model.” In Vivo 8:25-32, 1994. - Chakrabarty A., Hillman GG, Maughan RL, Visscher D, Dybal E, Pontes JE, Haas G.P:
“Immunotherapy and Radiation Therapy Combined for the Treatment of Murine Renal Carcinoma.” Surgical Forum, 43: 758-760, 1992
Poster Presentations
- Society Internationale De Urologie, Annual meeting, Melbourne, Australia, Oct 15 -18, 2015
“A Single US Centre Experience Of Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate (PVP) With Greenlight XPS ® In Patients With Benign Prostate Enlargement (BPE) causing Bladder Outlet Obstruction (BOO)- 6-Month Safety and Efficacy Results “ (UP.071)
Amit Chakrabarty MD, MS, FRCS and Anup Gupta, MS - Sexual Medical Society of North America Annual Conference in Miami, Winter meeting, Miami, Florida, November 23, 2014
“Indentifying Factors affecting variability of Testosterone levels Post-Therapy”. Amit Chakrabarty, MD, Jilian Nicholas DO, Sabyasatchi Panda MS - Society Internationale De Urologie, Annual meeting, Glasgow, Edinburgh, October 13 -15, 2014
“How Minimally Invasive Is Trans-Urethral Needle Ablation of the Prostate?” (ID 035) (UP.151)
Amit Chakrabarty MD, MS, FRCS and Anup Gupta, MS - Society of Urodynamics and Female Urology, Winter Meeting, Miami, Florida, March 1, 2014
“Mesh Augmented Posterior Vaginal Prolapse Repair – A Curse or a Cure?”
Poster # NM104 Amit Chakrabarty MD, MS, FRCS, FICS and Sarika Gupta MBBS, MS, Center for Continence and Female Pelvic Health - International Uro-Gynecological Association, Annual Meeting, Portugal, June 28, 2011
“An Observational Study Of The Efficacy & Safety Of The Elevate™ Apical And Posterior System” Amit Chakrabarty, M.D. etal - Society of Urodynamics and Female Urology, Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, March 3, 2011
“Are the Newer Single Incision slings as Effective as the Mid- Urethral slings for Female Stress Urinary Incontinence” Poster# NM17 Amit Chakrabarty, M.D. - American Urological Association Annual Meeting , Las Vegas, May, 2006.
De Novo Double Cuff Artificial Urinary Sphincter (Dcaus), For Post- Prostatectomy Urinary Incontinence: Long-Term Subjective Results Amit Chakrabarty, M.D., Kenneth C. Hsiao, M.D., and John J. Mulcahy M.D., Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana. - American Urological Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, April, 1995.
(Ambulatory Therapy for Recurrent Priapism: A Novel Concept.) - North Central Section of the American Urological Association, Puerto Rico, October 26-31, 1992
1. Radiation Therapy and Immunotherapy
2. Tumor kinetics of RENCA - Annual Poster session of the Detroit Immunological Society,
- Detroit MI. November 19, 1991 (Comparison of Growth Kinetics of Renca)
Podium Presentations
- Chairman, Urology Workshop at the Annual AAPI Global Healthcare Summit 2019, Hyderabad, India, July 2019. “Management of Male Urinary Incontinence”
- Invited Faculty – First Update on Pelvic Health, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India, March 2019 “Overactive Bladder –How I manage it“
- STATE OF THE ART LECTURE at the Urological Society on India -American Urological Association Joint Session – Invited international Faculty, Urological Society of India Annual Conference, Bhubaneswar, India, January 2019 “Newer modalities for treatment of overactive bladder – my experience”
- Invited Urology Faculty, XI Annual Meeting of the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO) Mumbai India,
January, 2018, “Updates in Urology -Overactive Bladder“ - Chairman, Urology Forum at the Annual AAPI Global Healthcare Summit 2017, Kolkata India, December 2017 “ Updates on Hypogonadism” – Quandaries and Conundrums.
- VIDEO PRESENTATION: Annual meeting of World Congress of Endourology, Cape Town, South Africa November, 2016 “Expedited XPS- An approach to manage large prostate glands using Greenlight XPS – a novel, easy and cost-effective approach”
- Annual Meeting of the American Urological Society in New Orleans May 2015 titled “A prospective evaluation of factors affecting serum testosterone levels after Testopel® therapy in patients with late onset hypogonadism (LOH): A single center experience
- Invited Faculty at the Annual Conference of Urological Society of India, Ranchi, India. “Hypogonadism update – The controversies and conundrums”
- Delivered the Susruta Oration at the Association of Surgeons of India Conference, Odisha Chapter, Cuttack, India, Feb , 2015: Hypogonadism- the basics: Why to Treat, When to Treat and How to treat
- VV Desai Visiting Professorship Lecture, Jayaramdas Patel Academic Center, Nadiad, India, February 2, 2015: Minimally Invasive options for BPH
- Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO) Annual CME, Kolkata, India. January 10, 2014: Hypogonadism and Cardio-Vascular Morbidity – Recent controversies
- Society of Indian American Clinical Urologists (SIACU) Annual CME, December 7, 2013, Orlando, Florida: Hypogonadism – Overall Health Implications
- Society of Indian American Clinical Urologists (SIACU) Annual CME, November 2, 2012, Atlanta, Georgia: Updates in Hypogonadism
- Society of Indian American Clinical Urologists (SIACU) Annual CME, November 2, 2012, Atlanta, Georgia: BPH: When to Treat and When to refer
- American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) Annual convention, Long Beach, California, June 29, 2012. Hypogonadism and Prostate Cancer: Quandaries and Conundrums
- Delhi Urological Society Renal Cancer Symposium, Delhi, India, June 1, 2012: Updates on Renal Cryoablation
- Grand Rounds, Department of Urology and Gynecology, SCB Medical College, Cuttack, Orissa, India, May 30, 2012: Overview on options for management of Female Pelvic disorders and Female urinary incontinence
- American Urological Association Annual Meeting (Geriatric Society), Atlanta GA, May 20, 2012 – Updates on Hypogonadism.
- American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Indo-US Summit, Hyderabad, India, January 4, 2012 BPH – When to treat and when to refer,
- American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Pre Summit CME, Orissa, India, December 31, 2011: “To Pee of Not to Pee – that is the question – Newer treatment options for Overactive Bladder”
- Grand Rounds University of Alabama at Birmingham, Huntsville Campus, October 4, 2011: BPH – When to treat and when to refer
- Grand Rounds University of Alabama at Birmingham, Huntsville Campus, April 5, 2011, Newer treatment options for Overactive Bladder,
- Industry Sponsored Symposium, Recent Advances in Management of Overactive Bladder, September 13, 2010, Apollo Group of Hospitals, Ranchi, India
- CME cum International Live Workshop on Urogynaecology, Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana, India – GUEST FACULTY, September 12, 2010
(Mini Arc Single Incision Sling System) (Standardizing the approach to Prolapse Repairs) - Industry Sponsored Symposium, Beverly Hills, CA, April 24, 2010, (The Advance Male Sling for Stress Urinary Incontinence)
- IAUA 2010 Multidisciplinary Spring course, Orlando, Florida, April 9, 2010, (Evolution of Slings for Treatment of Female Urinary Incontinence)
- Industry Sponsored Symposium, Orlando, Florida, April 9, 2010, (Modern Techniques in Pelvic Floor Reconstruction)
- IAUA 2010 Multidisciplinary Spring course, Orlando, Florida, April 10, 2010, (Male Incontinence- Surgical Aspects)
- IAUA 2010 Multidisciplinary Spring course, Orlando, Florida, April 10, 2010, (Plasma TUVP – A Novel Treatment for BPH)
- Urological society of India Conference (USICON) Annual Meeting 2010, Agra, India, Invited international faculty, February 7, 2010, Prostate Diseases Awareness Program Section, (Treatment Options for Post Prostatectomy Incontinence)
- Urological society of India Conference (USICON) Annual Meeting 2010, Agra, India, February 6, 2010 (Introduction of Plasma TUVP in Saline – a novel treatment option for BPH)- Invited Speaker – Olympus
- Urological society of India Conference (USICON) Annual Meeting 2010, Agra, India, Invited international faculty, February 4, 2010, Endourology Section (Minimally Invasive treatments for BPH)
- Grand Rounds, Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi, India, February 2, 2010, (Management Options for Female Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Prolapse)- Invited Speaker – American Medical Systems.
- Urological society of India Conference (USICON) – North Zone Chapter, Amritsar, India, October 3, 2009. (Male Urinary Incontinence – Sling or Sphincter)
- American Urological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 25 2009, (Advances in Microwave Therapy for the Prostate)
- Urological Society of India Annual Conference, USICON, Chennai, India, January 17, 2008, Invited international faculty
EndoUrological Section, Moderator Dr. Christian Chausey, Germany. (Pearls and Pitfalals of Transurethral Microwave Therapy) - Invited Faculty, Mujhibhai Patel Society for research in Nephro-Urology, JamnadasPatel Academic Center, Nadiad, Gujarat, India, Januray 15, 2008.
(Prostate Cancer – a brief overview) - Invited Faculty, Society Internationale de Urologie, Instructional Courses, Mumbai, India, November, 17, 2007. (Minimally invasive therapies for BPH)
- Guest Speaker, Department of GU Surgery, Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Center, Madurai, India, January 11, 2006
(Male incontinence Management – Slings and Artificial Urinary Sphincter) - Guest Speaker, Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Center, Taj Intercontinental, Rasumali, Madurai, India, January 10, 2006 ( Erectile Dysfunction Management- an Overview)
- Guest Speaker, Hyderabad Urology Society, Hyderabad, India, January 6, 2006 (Recent Advances in Male and Female Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Repair)
- Guest Speaker at the Annual Meeting of the Indian Medical Association, Bhubaneswar, India. December 28, 2004 ( Renal Stone – Review of Current Management)
- Speaker, Mississippi Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Annual Meeting, Jackson MS. October 2, 2004 ( 1. Current Trends in Management of Uncomplicated Cystitis 2. PSA – “ To Do or Not To Do That is the Question”)
- Speaker, Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Urology Residents and Faculty, Indianapolis, IN. December 3, 2003 (Newer PDE5 inhibitors- a comparative assessment)
- Didactic Lecture, Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Urology, Indianapolis, IN. October 15, 2003 (Role of the Urologist in Male Factor Infertility).
- Speaker, University of Florida CME Cruise, Bahamas. Feb 15, 2003 (Osmania University Alumni Annual Meeting) (Erectile Dysfunction: an overview with clinical scenarios and novel therapeutic options)
- Speaker, University of Florida CME Cruise, Bahamas. Feb 16, 2003 (Osmania University Alumni Annual Meeting) (Urinary Tract infections: Quandaries and Elucidations.)
- Resident’s Lecture: All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India. October 31, 2002 (Newer tools in the Evaluation & Management of Erectile Dysfunction)
- Grand Rounds, Harper Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. February 1995. (Role of the Urologist in Male Factor Infertility)
- American Urological Association Annual meeting, San Francisco, April 1994. (Sickle cell priapism in Children: Long Term effects on potency)
- North Central Section of the American Urological Association, Milwaukee, October 1993 (Recto urethral Fistula: Methods of Repair)
- Annual Urology Residents’ Day, Michigan Urologic Society, Novi Hilton, May, 1993 (Psychosocial implications of impotence following radical prostatectomy)
- Grand Rounds, Harper Hospital, Detroit, MI. February, 11, 1994. (Urinary Diversions: Variations, Indications, & Complications).
- Grand Rounds, Harper Hospital, Detroit, MI. February 1993. (Complications of Penile Prosthesis)
- North Central Section of the American Urological Association, Boca Raton, Florida. November 1994 (Should early surgery be denied for childhood sickle cell priapism)
- American College of Surgeons, New Orleans, October 15, 1992 (Immunotherapy and Radiation Therapy)
- Annual Urology Resident Day, Michigan Urological Society, Novi Hilton, May 20, 1992.
(Synergy of Immunotherapy and Radiation Therapy for Murine Renal Cell Cancer (RENCA) – Winner, First Prize in Laboratory Research.) - Michigan chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Dearborn, MI, April 30, 1992.(Synergy of adoptive immunotherapy and radiation in the treatment of pulmonary metastases in a murine renal cancer model).