
It was pleasure and privilege to serve as AAPI CME Chair for the last year. Starting from August 2021, we conducted 2 hour-long monthly online CME meetings for our members, barring the month of January when we were in India for the global Summit. Uniquely, this year, we focused on “out-of-the-box” general topics that would be of interest to all specialties. These were presented by stellar and very knowledgeable speakers from around the country that received rave compliments and accolades.

We ended the year’s CME lectures with a mind blowing topic that was monumental masterpiece – “ACTIVE SHOOTER CRISIS”. Though this lecture was planned more than a month prior, it coincidentally turned out that the timing of this lecture could not have been more relevant in light of the recent events! This not-to-be-missed lecture will highlight and help prepare ourselves for this life threatening situation that anyone of us might face any day.

I have to thank my CME team, particularly Co-chair Dr. Sagar Galwankar for his assistance in suggesting several unique topics and getting me in touch with excellent speakers, Dr. Vemuri Murthy for getting the CME credits through Chicago Medical Society at minimal cost to AAPI and our president Dr. Anupama Gotimulula for giving me the opportunity to serve the members in the capacity as the Chairman of CME committee. Lastly, I thank Ms. Vijaya Kodali for her undaunted secretarial help, despite the faculty sometimes missing the deadline for returning the paperwork for the CME.

Thank you all for your encouraging messages and making this year’s CME lectures a great success.

Those who have missed the webinars for this year, you can listen to these lectures by clicking on the links below the flyers